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av:Karl Dawson, Kate Marillat
New science proves that it is our core beliefs that drive the chemical changes in the body, control our thought patterns and essentially produce our reactions to the external world. If we can change what we believe about ourselves and the world around us, we can change our thoughts, and if we can change our…
av:Robert K. Wittman, David Kinney
Kategorier: Historia och arkeologi
Only recently discovered by former FBI agent Robert Wittman, the diary of Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg, who led the Nazi party when Hitler was interned in 1923, is a ground-breaking document and an object of rumour, obsession and evil. Filled with observations, conversations and Nazi plans, it gives new details of…
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Lilla Al Fadji, Behrang Behdjou, Felipe Leiva Wenger
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Erik Adelsohn
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Augustin Erba, Theodor Kallifatides, Christian Unge, Kalle Lind, Baker Karim, Anders Fager, Edward Blom, Stefan Ahnhem, Olof Lundh, Daniel Sjölin, Henrik Johnsson, Kristian Lundberg, Daniel Boyacioglu