Sökresultat för Uru-Chan...
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The truth of Chan Buddhism – better known as ”Zen” – is regularly said to be beyond language, and yet Chan authors – medieval and modern – produced an enormous quantity of literature over the centuries. To make sense of this well-known paradox, Patriarchs on Paper explores several…
This book is a translation and study of the Vajrasamadhi-Sutra and an examination of its broad implications for the development of East Asian Buddhism. The Vajrasamadhi-Sutra was traditionally assumed to have been translated from Sanskrit, but some modern scholars, principally in Japan, have proposed that it is instead…
This book is a translation and study of the Vajrasamadhi-Sutra and an examination of its broad implications for the development of East Asian Buddhism. The Vajrasamadhi-Sutra was traditionally assumed to have been translated from Sanskrit, but some modern scholars, principally in Japan, have proposed that it is instead…
The adorable new odd-couple cat comedy manga from the creator of the beloved Chi s Sweet Home and Chi’s Sweet Adventures, in full colour and formatted for English readers, just like Chi! Sue is an aging housecat who’s looking forward to living out her life in peace… but her plans change when the…
Sue is an aging housecat who’s looking forward to living out her life in peace… but her plans change when the mischievous black tomcat Tai-chan enters the picture! Hey! Sue never signed up to be a catsitter! Sue and Tai-chan is the latest from the reigning meow-narch of cute kitty comics, Kanata Konami.
Kategorier: Barn och ungdom: skönlitteratur och sanna berättelser Barnböcker, ungdomsböcker och läromedel Skönlitteratur barn och ungdom: allmänt
Handduk-Chan av Muroi Shigeru är en hjärtevärmande berättelse om en liten flickas starka tillgivenhet till sin favorithandduk och hur den hjälper henne att hantera livets utmaningar.
Körsbärsträden blommar bara några dagar om året. Då är det fest i Japan. Men Yo-chans familj kommer alltid försent till festen.
Yo-chan är tolv år och bor i Matsue i Japan. Han läser mangaserier och tycker om att gå i skolan.
Boken är skriven och fotograferad av Sten Lundberg som tidigare har skrivit om flickan Röda…