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Isbn: 9781781579053


Utgivare: Hachette UK Distribution

Mediatyp: BC

av:Michael Freeman

Kategorier: Fotografi Konst
Color isn’t ’just there’ in photography, an ordinary fact of life. It’s much more special and can be a subject and pursuit in its own right, because it triggers an emotional and aesthetic response like no other. Color is processed not in the eye, but in the mind, and that makes it personal. In…

Isbn: 9781781578711


Utgivare: Hachette UK Distribution

Mediatyp: BC

av:Michael Freeman

Kategorier: Fotografi Konst
Drawing on over 40 years of practical experience, best-selling author and photographer Michael Freeman examines the most fundamental building-blocks of photography – light and shadow – bringing this key element of the picture-making process into the 21st century. In this book, Freeman takes a new and…
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Isbn: 9781781578544


Utgivare: Hachette UK Distribution

Mediatyp: BC