Sökresultat för Mandy Shaw...
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This volume is a tribute to our friend and colleague Philip Shaw, Professor of English linguistics at the Department of English, Stockholm University, on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
The 22 contributions to this volume by friends and colleagues worldwide bear witness to Philip’s academic versatility as well…
av:Nils-Lennart Johannesson, Gunnel Melchers, Beyza Björkman
Kategorier: Språk och lingvistik Språkhistoria och jämförande språkvetenskap Språkvetenskap / lingvistik
This volume is a tribute to our friend and colleague Philip Shaw, Professor of English linguistics at the Department of English, Stockholm University, on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
The 22 contributions to this volume by friends and colleagues worldwide bear witness to Philip’s academic versatility as well…
Topp 40 just nu!
Lilla Al Fadji, Behrang Behdjou, Felipe Leiva Wenger
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Niklas Lundström
Petter Karlsson
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Erina Stene, Ebba Mörner
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