Sökresultat för Jin Bo...
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’A herculean achievement . . . strong plot and strong characterisation’ The Times
It is 1862 and Japan is a land in chaos as the power of the Shogun wanes and the rival factions plan to restore the Emperor. In Yokohama, the gai-jin, the hated foreigners, seek to profit from the chaos. At the head of the…
· Explains how to collect energy within and discharge it for self-defence as well as healing
· Explores how to counter the natural instinct to resist force with force and develop yielding softness through the 13 Original Movements of Tai Chi
· Illustrates routines for the partner practice of ”Push Hands”…
A gentle touch method for harmonizing energy flow, Jin Shin Jyutsu is an excellent hands-on healing tool to support your animal companion’s health and alleviate common ailments and injuries. Just like us, the flow of an animal’s life energy can get blocked in the body, which leads to discomfort and, over…
Boken består troligtvis av en samling av hans skrifter som utforskar teman som drömmar, årstider och eftertanke. Den kanske fördjupar sig i mänskliga upplevelser och känslor genom dessa litterära verk.