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Bilderna är fotogram gjorda under 2016. Den fotografiska bilden visar tid, en åttondels sekund, ibland mer, ibland mindre. En paradox om tiden lyder ungefär så här: Tänk tiden som det förflutna, det närvarande och det kommande. Tänk på det närvarande. Hur tjockt är det? Paradoxen är att det förflutna och det kommande…
This volume sheds light on the transformed post-Holocaust relationship between Catholics and Jews. Once implacable theological foes, the two traditions have travelled a great distance in coming to view the other with respect and dignity. Responding to the horrors of Auschwitz, the Catholic Church has undergone a…
For many people, ”observant Jew,” ”feminist,” and ”interfaith pioneer” are not necessarily words they would put together in the same sentence. And yet, in this book by Dr. Debbie Weissman, each is a vitally important aspect of a dynamic and passionate life. Between 2008 and 2014,…
This book describes the theory and practice of interreligious dialogue, education and action in Israel and Palestine in the context of the political peace process as well as the peace-building processes and programs, by drawing on personal experiences and encounters of more than twenty-five years. Through memorable…
This volume sheds light on the transformed post-Holocaust relationship between Catholics and Jews. Once implacable theological foes, the two traditions have travelled a great distance in coming to view the other with respect and dignity. Responding to the horrors of Auschwitz, the Catholic Church has undergone a…
Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho is the oldest preserved literary dialogue between a Jew and a Christian and a key text for understanding the development of early Judaism and Christianity. In Between Jews and Heretics, Matthijs den Dulk argues that whereas scholarship has routinely cast this important text in terms…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Litteraturvetenskap 1900-talet Litteraturvetenskap och litteraturkritik Litteraturvetenskap: allmänt Litteraturvetenskap: prosa och prosaförfattare Livet efter detta, reinkarnation och tidigare liv Parapsykologi och psykiska fenomen
What a book would be the real story of Hemingway, not those he writes but the confessions of the real Ernest Hemingway,” Gertrude Stein wrote. “It would be for another audience than the audience Hemingway has now but it would be very wonderful.”
Yes it would. Here it is. Hemingway’s opinions of Hemingway’s own life and…
”In year 3 we were flying; in year 4 we crashed. Now in year 5, they are here to see if we can fix the plane and fly again.” Pupil about YoungHorse
For most teachers, there will be days when nothing seems to work. When pupil hierarchies seem to have gained control and the teacher doubts their own capacity…
In 1996, His Holiness the Dalai Lama joined with his fellow Buddhist and Christian monastics and scholars at Gethsemani Abbey, Kentucky, to discuss the spiritual life. This book is a unique collection of the extraordinary conversations that took place, as these men and women examined from the individual religious…
Kategorier: Kommunikationsvetenskap Referensverk, informationshantering och tvärvetenskap Tvärvetenskap
A guide to how Socratic principles of dialogue can be used for improving communication and developing satisfying relationships.• Shows how to develop methods of dialogue for growth in personal and business relationships.• Includes clear and detailed lessons on how to begin and hold a dialogue on important…
Kategorier: Åldersgrupper och generationer Åldersgrupper: barn Åldersgrupper: ungdomar Kulturvetenskap och medievetenskap Medievetenskap Medievetenskap: tv och samhälle Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
Scandinavian children and adolescents’ media consumption has changed dramatically in the past decade. Films, series, and social media content on global platforms like Netflix, Disney+, and YouTube are now a major part of young people’s media diet, while encounters with domestic films, series, and platforms are in…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Medier, änglar och kanalisering Parapsykologi och psykiska fenomen
On December 23, 2007, a small private plane carrying author Kim Klein’s thirteen-year-old daughter, Talia, Talia’s father and her best friend crashed into the side of a volcano in Panama, killing all on board except the friend. A month after Talia’s death, she started to speak from the afterlife.
In 2011, Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique/Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (DIMMID) launched Dilatato Corde, an international, multilingual journal to record, reflect on, and examine interreligious dialogue at the level of spiritual experience. Dilatato Corde (literally, ”with an expanded heart”) provides…
For three and a half decades, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID) has been bringing individuals from faiths with a monastic tradition – Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism – to discuss the deeper rhythms and structures of their traditions: the practices, disciplines and struggles and joys of a vocation.…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Medier, änglar och kanalisering Parapsykologi och psykiska fenomen
On December 23, 2007, a small private plane carrying author Kim Klein’s thirteen-year-old daughter, Talia, Talia’s father and her best friend crashed into the side of a volcano in Panama, killing all on board except the friend. A month after Talia’s death, she started to speak from the afterlife.
This controversial text, that was meant for initiates at the threshold of the Ancient Egyptian Inner Temple, speaks to us with intriguing relevance to the problems of today. Taking the form of a dialogue between a man and his soul, this sacred text explores the inner discourse between doubt and mystical knowledge and…
Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc. Essäer Kulturvetenskap och medievetenskap Litteraturvetenskap och litteraturkritik Medievetenskap Medievetenskap: internet, digitala medier och samhälle Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
När alla som vill kan publicera sig tvingas envar ständigt att tampas med överflödet. Distribution av litteratur, idéer, kritik och konst handlar inte längre, som ordets etymologi anger, om att ”fördela, dela ut” utan om att navigera i bortsållandets uppmärksamhetsekonomier. I vår fas av digitaliseringen har…
Kategorier: Genusvetenskap Genusvetenskap: kvinnor och flickor Konst Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Scenkonst och film Sociala grupper Teatervetenskap
Flicktematiken och dess potential utelämnas ofta inom både scenkonsten och feministiskt tänkande. I den här boken får du resultatet av ett explorativt och tvärsektionelltfeministiskt kunskapssökande om flickan i kulturen. Projektet Girling together A dialogue föddes ur ett behov för att skapa en kritisk och gestaltande…
Kategorier: Konst
Kategorier: Juridik
Hur styr man ett förändringsarbete? Går det och vilka konsekvenser får olika strategier? Denna artikel diskuterar mot bakgrund av fyra exempel på förändringsarbete, relationen mellan förändringsintentionerna och…
Kategorier: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, museivetenskap Referensverk, informationshantering och tvärvetenskap
This first MILID Yearbook is a result of a collaboration between the UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, and the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media at NORDICOM, University of Gothenburg.
Kategorier: Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
This book considers the role of systems of industrial relations in the shaping of an equal society. Historically, it is possible to see that the societies considered to be amongst the more equal and also having stable economic developments have well developed and relatively strong systems of collective bargaining and…
THE CUSTOMER EXPECTS MORE, it’s time to raise the bar and deliver a refreshed Customer Dialogue. Teach the complex, earn trust, see the customer, make it personalized and offer an instant learning journey. Provide micro-training in the moment, in the customer meeting. Enlighten! And understand why this is real…
Former lighting research shows mainly how bright surfaces can give the impression of spaciousness. Ulrika Wänström Lindh shows in her thesis that lighting design is more complex than that. The thesis shows that the light distribution is a very effective tool to change the atmosphere of the room as well as the…
Kategorier: Kommunikationsvetenskap Referensverk, informationshantering och tvärvetenskap Tvärvetenskap
The authors provide no quick and easy answers. But with this serious, factual and richly-illustrated book, you will find several tools that support robust innovation in strategic and operational leadership. Many real-world examples provide room for your own reflections, in which theory and practice coalesce into a…
Although media, digital and information divides do exist in the world, more and more people have access to a steadily swelling flow of material through many new channels. An interactive and mobile media society has grown up alongside the traditional mass media society. Passive media consumers are becoming active media…
Kategorier: E-handel: affärsaspekter Ekonomi, finansväsen, näringsliv och management Företagsekonomi och management
Hur organiseras e-handel? På vilka sätt förändrar den kundmötet? Hur fungerar distributionen? Leder e-handel till ökad hållbarhet? Kommer e-handel att ersätta den fysiska butiken? Frågorna är många och viktiga att besvara när detaljhandeln går in i en ny era och elektronisk handel blir en självklarhet.Den här boken…
Kategorier: Teknik, ingenjörsvetenskap etc.
Ur innehålletVärmedistributionssystem, val av rör, förläggning och fogning av rör, ventiler, cirkulationspumpar, sammankoppling av system och delsystem, egenprovning, injustering, rörisolering, rörmärkning.I boken ingår även en ordlista och repetitionsuppgifter.
Big Bang theory is the prevailing theory of the origin of the universe and its development. Its main argument is so-called ”galaxies escape”.
The analysis of the light from galaxies shows that the spectral lines are shifted to the red part of the spectrum. Based on the Doppler effect interpret this to mean…