Sökresultat för Greg Bach... Rensa filter?

av:National Alliance For Youth Sports, With:Greg Bach

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Isbn: 9780470089606


Utgivare: John Wiley & Sons

Mediatyp: BC

av:National Alliance of Youth Sports, Greg Bach

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Isbn: 9780471793311


Utgivare: John Wiley & Sons

Mediatyp: BC

av: Greg Bach

Kategorier: Sport och idrott Sport, idrott och friluftsliv
Coaching a youth sports team is as challenging as ever these days. Regardless if it’s with 5 and 6-year-olds, an under ten football team or a more experienced rugby team with a squad of experienced players, coaches face a lengthy and imposing to-do list. Among the responsibilities are teaching skills, organising…
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Isbn: 9780757004681


Utgivare: Square One Publishing

Mediatyp: BC