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Kategorier: Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Kristendom Kristet liv och praxis Religion och tro Religiös undervisning Religiöst liv och praxis
There are two ways of life open to a person here on earth, says Joel Goldsmith in Living the Illumined Life. There is the human way, the way of the unillumined, and there is the spiritual way, the way of the illumined.
What is the difference? The unillumined individual is living by and through his own powers, wisdom,…
Kategorier: Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Mysticism Religion och tro
Jesus said, It is written that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, and he told us to abide in the word and let the word abide in you. What is this word and what does it mean to abide in it? This is the key question that Joel Goldsmith answers in Living by the…
Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Ande, kropp och själ: tänkande och praktik Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
More than thirty books have been compiled from Joel S. Goldsmith’s tape-recorded lectures and class work, feeding a worldwide student body which continues to practice and preserve his work. His writings cover a variety of topics that reveal the same core belief – from within you will find Grace. COLLECTED ESSAYS…