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av:David Schiller, Jeffrey Schiller

Kategorier: Alternativa terapier, healing och hälsa Ande, kropp och själ Aromaterapi och eteriska oljor Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling
Carol Schiller and David Schiller, recognised experts in the field of aromatherapy, have created the most comprehensive reference guide on the market to date. THE AROMATHERAPY ENCYCLOPEDIA includes information on the proper safety and handling of oils, extraction methods, practical everyday uses, documented properties…
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Isbn: 9781591203117


Utgivare: Basic Health Publications

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781591200338


Utgivare: Basic Health Publications

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9781591200697


Utgivare: Basic Health Publications

Mediatyp: BC