Over 340 striking color photos introduce readers to the quintessential flower of the Cape and the Islands, the hydrangea. The lucky people who live in the region revel in these lush flowers flourishing in a maritime climate. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the beautiful displays of hydrangeas in home gardens,…
Natural swimming pools rely on the correct balance of living plants and micro-organisms to clean and purify the water. They are easy and less costly to maintain than chemical pools. Chlorine and other common pool chemicals that are hazardous to human health are not used. Natural pools are safe places for children to…
Flowers are the crowning glory of a wedding event, symbolizing romance, tradition, and celebration. Here is the largest portfolio of bridal bouquets available on the market today. More than 400 gorgeous color photos illustrate a wealth of fresh ideas to inspire brides, floral designers, and wedding planners. Many of…
Outdoor living is heating up the marketplace today, and more and more people take their leisure time outdoors. Toward that end, they’re bringing the kitchen with them, along with a blazing fire to warm and illuminate their yards into the later hours. This book offers the largest collection of images of landscapes,…
This botanical guide to the greater Atlanta region is teeming with more than 200 color photographs, informative gardening tips, and fun facts and stories about the diverse garden flora of the area. Gardeners from Atlanta to Athens, Columbus to Augusta, Macon to Rome, and beyond will find a comprehensive guide to nearly…
A treasure finds new life in this reprint of an important work by H. Inigo Triggs, one of Britain’s greatest architects. Compiled at the turn of the 20th Century, this classic work is still relevant to today’s landscape designers and architects on its hundredth anniversary. Tour the great gardens of Rome,…
The southeastern coast has an abundance of flowers and trees waiting to be explored. With this book as your guide, learn the history, folklore, and ethno-botany of America’s coastal plants from Florida to Virginia. Discover fun facts about each, such as which tree was featured on the cover of a classic book from…
A stunning collection of landscape design ideas, this book is guaranteed to help you transform an outdoor area into an ultimate personal environment. Over 400 beautiful color images feature 12 actual projects, inspired by Tuscan and Mediterranean to Vegas and Asian styles, constructed in the American Southwest that…
Enjoy discovering the hows and whys behind growing a beautiful garden through 293 color images. From learning the profiles of each individual plant and their basic needs to maintaining a garden community, this book offers a fun and whimsical approach to developing your green thumb. You’ll learn how to choose the right…
Without fail, visitors to the great gardens of the world are enchanted by their topiary art. These great, green sculptures, often in the form of animals, but sometimes in geometric or abstract shapes, are formed by carefully binding and trimming a living plant.
The patience and skill required may seem intimidating to…
Kategorier: Gardening: fruit & vegetable Livsstil, hobby och fritid Trädgård Trädgårdsskötsel: växter och odling
Trädgårdsintresset frodas i Sverige. Den här boken samlar de vanligaste frågorna om odling och ger expertsvar från Sara Bäckmo!
Nu när odlingsintresset exploderat i Sverige exploderar även Sara Bäckmos inkorg med frågor från följarna och äntligen finns de vanligaste och viktigaste frågorna samlade i en behändig bok.…
Kategorier: Gardening: pests & diseases Livsstil, hobby och fritid Trädgård Trädgårdsskötsel: växter och odling
Alla som odlar eller har en trädgård har någon gång fått besök av ovälkomna gäster. Det kan vara ett rådjur som har gett sig på tulpanerna eller trastar som har rensat bärbuskarna. Men även sniglar, bladlöss och andra mindre djur kan göra stor skada bland grönsakerna eller i rabatten. Och ogräs som kirskål,…
Encourages the homeowner to conserve water by restoring natural processes that filter and return water to groundwater reservoirs. Learn the installation and maintenance of rain gardens. Provides garden plans and plant lists for different conditions and styles, including wildlife habitat, a pretty cottage border, and a…
Visit 45 varied and strikingly beautiful gardens designed by architects to complement architectural design and function. Gardens surrounding homes are as varied and unexpected as architecture itself and can be designed in ways that are practical, environmentally sound, and strikingly beautiful. Original gardens add…
Garden walkways play a critical role in forming one’s overall impression of a garden’s entire arrangement and design. Using diagrams, layouts, and brilliant color photographs, this invaluable guide describes the innumerable possibilities for garden walkways, terraces, steps, and cozy siting areas. The book…
Welcome to the joys of nineteenth century gardening and design! The Victorians were masters of combining geometric formality and bright, formal, seasonal bedding to create lush, exuberant outdoor living spaces. This delightful book presents Victorian gardening style and design using beautiful landscapes lavish with…
This new book covers every nuclear delivery system the United States ever deployed. With few exceptions, each weapon and system is illustrated by either color or black and white photographs. Each weapon also comes with specifications and a history of its development, deployment and retirement (if retired).
Dwarf and median bearded irises are the little floral jewels of the gardening world, extending the iris season by six to eight weeks with great panache. Relatively new on the horticultural scene, these small and miniature replicas of larger bearded irises have nevertheless taken it by storm, because their 4-to-27-inch…
A manual of orchid growing, this book covers all you need to know in order to grow the queen of flowering plants, the orchid.
Discover and enjoy the flowers, shrubs, and trees of America’s northern coastal region. Stroll through Portland, Boston Common, New York City, Philadelphia, and the Baltimore Harbor, and delight in getting to know the natural beauty that makes your excursion a gardener’s paradise. In this informative guide, over…
Hydrangeas are booming in popularity as home gardeners appreciate their long season of bloom, ease of maintenance, and dazzling variety of flower colors and forms. This book reveals the best species for landscaping uses and the best varieties for both fresh and dried flower arrangements. Unique in their ability to…
Farms of Cape Cod brings the reader to the farms and farmers cultivating the finest fruit, flowers, produce, oysters, herbs, eggs and honey in this historic region. The farms create beautiful landscapes, provide nutritious food, and connect us to the land. As the desire for local, organically grown food flourishes and…
Leading landscape architect Signe Nielsen shares her years of experience, and draws on other professional projects to present this incredible design portfolio. Great design ideas are combined with practical tips on transforming an outdoor living space into a personal oasis. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of…
With over 300 beautiful color photos and an informative text offers practical knowledge for the planning, building, and care of water features in gardens. From design to maintenance, all necessary steps are made clear, including planning, building processes, material uses and techniques, and using rainwater as they…
The seductive nature of carnivorous plants is on sensational display in this art collection of botanical photography. Over 140 color images show minute detail of the species, hybrids, and cultivars from around the world cultivated by the author, as well as the local native carnivorous plants in their natural habitats…
Celebrated landscape designer Terry Wallace guides you in the creation of the landscape of your dreams in the Mid-Atlantic United States. Discover the joy and satisfaction to be found in creating a garden that complements and enhances your lifestyle. Wallace takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a…
A swimming pond is beautiful all year round, for it lives and changes with the seasons. Plants, animals, and the water make it an experience for young and old. A swimming pond has practical advantages: it is easy to care for and needs no expensive technology or chemicals. The swimming-pond ecosystem regenerates…
Smidig fältguide med kortfattade beskrivningar av viktiga kännetecken för de vanligaste arterna i Sverige och övriga Nordeuropa. Innehåller ett lättläst och informativt introduktionskapitel för nybörjare. Samtliga arter visas med färgfotografier.
Planera dina drömmars trädgård med hjälp av trädgårdsprofilen John Taylor.
Jag tänkte alltid att en liten trädgård skulle duga fint, med rosor klättrandes på husväggarna och tulpaner i massor. Självklart skulle det finnas ett frodigt grönsaksland och ett äppelträd som dignade på hösten. Humlor skulle surra i luften…
Kategorier: Heminredning Indoor gardening Livsstil och stilguider Livsstil, hobby och fritid Odling i kruka Trädgård Trädgårdsskötsel: metoder
Att inreda med krukväxter på nytänkande och fina sätt är en trend som kommer starkt. Det finns numera en mängd forum på internet där folk bl.a. byter sticklingar och i vissa blomsterbutiker finns det väntelistor på speciella krukväxter.
Växterna är viktiga i våra hem. De kan förändra stämningen i ett helt hus och…
Gamla tiders trädgårdsmästare besatt kunskaper som nu håller på att glömmas bort, men deras odlingsmetoder är fulla av fiffigheter som passar utmärkt än idag.
Med avstamp i den hortikulturella glansperiod som i Storbritannien kallas för viktoriansk tid och i Sverige…
Kategorier: Indoor gardening Livsstil, hobby och fritid Odling i kruka Trädgård Trädgårdsskötsel: metoder
Visste du att äggskal kan användas som gödningsmedel, eller att lite hårspray på undersidan av dina snittblommor får dem att hålla sig finare längre? Tips & Hacks: Krukväxter är den ultimata guiden för alla dina inomhusväxter. Här får du smarta tips om allt från att plantera frön till att hålla ohyran borta. Denna…
Trädgården är sinnlig och väcker lust. Den förmedlar harmoni, ger mening och skapar livskänsla. Men den kräver också vård och omsorg – precis som vilken relation som helst.
Trädgårdsrelationen går på djupet. Den sätter oss i kontakt med känslor och minnen från förhistorisk tid som vi bär med oss utan att vara…
En resa längs stigar som berör både sinneliga och själsliga platser. Njut av de olika rummen med vackra vyer från trädgården och meditativa reflektioner, med en doft av Italien. Öppna upp sina sinnen och låta sig inspireras!
Kategorier: Fordon Livsstil, hobby och fritid Tåg och järnvägar Trädgård Trädgårdsplanering och trädgårdsdesign
This licentiate thesis examines gardens and plantations along the first Swedish state railways. The purpose of the investigation is to depict the planting activities during the years 1855–1875 by studying contemporary archival sources. In the field of railway history the technology in the railway system, the vehicles…
Kategorier: Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Livsstil, hobby och fritid Trädgård Trädgårdar
This research investigates and compares eighteenth-century and contemporary garden management methods with a focus on the structural elements of lawns and hedges at Gunnebo House, which is used as a craft laboratory. The concept of management regime is utilized for a discourse analysis of the garden through the norms…
Kategorier: Livsstil, hobby och fritid Odling i kruka Trädgård Trädgårdsskötsel: metoder Trädgårdsskötsel: växter och odling
Vill du få hemodlade kryddor mitt i vintern?
Äta färska grönsaker under våren?
Så på sommaren för att skörda under hösten?
Tänk att få späda spenatblad på våren när tussilagon blommar. Het chili och söta tomater under sommarsolen. Mizunakål och majrovor långt in på senhösten. När snön sedan faller blir grönkålen ännu…