
av:Alf Israelsson, Tomas Vinterheden

Kategorier: Fysik Matematik och naturvetenskap Partikel- och högenergifysik
"The Universe did not begin with a Big Bang; it began with a flicker." This is the first sentence of this book, and Israelsson and Vinterheden give a satisfying and reasonable answer to the ancient question of how everything came to be. The authors explore how particles and antiparticles are created in a…
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Isbn: 9789176117866


Utgivare: Satura AB

Mediatyp: BC

av:Alf Israelsson, Tomas Vinterheden

Kategorier: Fysik Matematik och naturvetenskap Partikel- och högenergifysik
“The Universe did not begin with a Big Bang; it began with a flicker.” This is the first sentence of this book, and Israelsson and Vinterheden give a satisfying and reasonable answer to the ancient question of how everything came to be. The authors explore how particles and antiparticles are created in a cosmic vacuum.…
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Isbn: 9789177732549


Utgivare: Satura AB

Mediatyp: BC