This useful reference presents over a hundred full color photographs of the common Canada goose, the Cackling goose, Richardson’s goose and the Brandt in natural habitats and a wide variety of classic and unusual positions. Tricia Veasey has artistically captured on film the structural details, feather patterns,…
One of England’s foremost bird photographers presents here for the first time a study of wading and shore birds, with over a hundred full-color pictures. The pictures of these beautiful feathered creatures, favorites of birders and wood carvers alike will delight the eye while providing an important resource for…
In this book, the author of Color, Optical Appearance, Physical Phenomenon and Artistic Means of Expression, which has appeared in six languages, gives as overview of the theory of color from antiquity to the present. His study, clarified by numerous B/W and color illustrations, promotes the understanding of many…
Among rock-forming minerals, the zeolite group is large and widespread, and is enormously important to industry. Zeolites form excellent crystals. The group is structurally complex and notable for its ability to exchange cations with surrounding solutions. Numerous diagrams help visualize important structural features…
Over 320 beautiful modern and historic photos, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s, vibrant Landis Valley region, take readers through long-established, well-planned, and enduring Pennsylvania German farms. Visit historic farmsteads, barns, and vibrant flower and vegetable gardens. Meet four centuries worth of…
As a fuel, biodiesel is attractive for many reasons. It can be made using a variety of local resources on a small scale. Biodiesel supports local farms and economies and plays a part in community building. It may be made using renewable resources, making it an environmentally preferable alternative fuel. Yet, there are…
Over 500 photos and engaging text reveal the fossils of the Cretaceous Period, the last period of the Mesozoic Era, the ”Age of Reptiles,” dating from 120 to 67 million years ago. Included are typical Mesozoic fossils, such as the ammonites, belemnites, and other collectible fossil mollusks characteristic…
Lär dig mer om rymden!
Lär dig spännande och intressanta fakta om universum på ett roligt sätt. Träna samtidigt läsning och läsförståelse, förmågan att observera, bedöma och kritiskt granska innehåll i faktatexter och bilder.
Upptäck rymden består av 10 kort med fakta i bild- och textform. Till var och ett av dessa…
En gång i tiden drevs jakten på ett längre liv av äventyrare, alkemister och kvacksalvare. Nu har vetenskapen tagit över stafettpinnen. Det betyder att vi för första gången någonsin står på tröskeln till att kunna knäcka åldringskoden och besvara den uråldriga frågan: Hur får jag ett långt och hälsosamt liv? …
A gripping investigation into an extraordinary medical phenomenon from the prize-winning author of It’s Not All In Your Head.
Highlighting startling discoveries made over the last ten years, this new edition provides authoritative accounts of the behaviour of domestic cats and their interactions with humans. It is a definitive resource for veterinarians, breeders of cats and students of behavioural biology and psychology, as well as the…
’If Michael Palin had been a volcanologist, this is the book he would have written’LITERARY REVIEW’Gripping’THE ECONOMIST ’Wonderful’PETER FRANKOPAN
’Like a thriller … Oppenheimer is better than good. This is terrific’SPECTATOR’What the French adventurer…
The seven fundamental – and surprising – scientific truths of our existence.
’Indecently entertaining.’ A Daily Mail Book of the Week’A fascinating tale of poisons and poisonous deeds which both educates and entertains.’ – Kathy Reichs
RECOMMENDED AS ONE OF THE TIMES’ BEST SCIENCE BOOKS OF 2021’With all the talk about testosterone in sex, sports and politics, we need a good explanation of the science and its implications, and this one is outstanding.’ STEVEN PINKER, bestselling author of The Blank Slate’There are whole books…
The Four Horsemen – War, Pestilence, Famine and Death – first appeared in the Book of Revelations a thousand years ago, but they continue to track us in our own time. This original and inspiring study bycelebrated historian Emily Mayhew traces the advances in science, technology and humanitarianism that are…
For billions of years, Earth was an inhospitably alien place – covered with churning seas, slowly crafting its landscape by way of incessant volcanic eruptions, the atmosphere in a constant state of chemical flux. And yet, despite facing literally every conceivable setback that living organisms could encounter,…
On the Origin of Species outlines Charles Darwin’s world-changing theory that life on Earth had not been brought into being by a creator, but had arisen from a single common ancestor and had evolved over time through the process of natural selection.
This beautiful Macmillan Collector’s Library edition of…
’The who, what, where, when and how of human evolution, from one of the world’s experts on the dating of prehistoric fossils’ Steve Brusatte, author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs
’Fascinating and entertaining. If you read one book on human origins, this should be it’ Ian Morris,…
Rich with tales of discovery from Galileo to general relativity, a stimulating and timely analysis of how science works and why we need it.
’The best introduction to the scientific enterprise that I know. A wonderful and important book’ David Wootton, author of The Invention of Science
It is only in the…
Frank är en heltäckande serie i naturkunskap kurs 1b, 1a1 och 2 för gymnasium och vuxenutbildning, som passar alla. Texterna har till syfte att få eleverna medvetna om vilken betydelse naturvetenskaperna har för samhället och samhällsutvecklingen. Fokus ligger på miljö- och energifrågor samt på livsstil och hälsa, och…
In this mind-bending international bestseller by Mariano Sigman, one of the world’s leading neuroscientists reveals his life’s work exploring the intricacies of the human brain. Building on his awe-inspiring TED talk and drawing on examples in science and the arts, The Secret Life of the Mind offers an…
Naturen är en väv av beroenden. Växter och djur påverkas av varandra och av den omgivning de lever i. Ekologi handlar om dessa samband mellan organismer och deras miljö. Kunskaper i ekologi ger oss förståelse för vilka konsekvenser olika miljöförändringar…
A radical retelling of the history of science that challenges the Eurocentric narrative. We are told that modern science was invented in Europe, the product of great minds like Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein. But this is wrong. The history of science is not, and has never been, a…
”Gud spelar inte tärning”, myntade Albert Einstein. Uttalandet gällde den nya kvantmekaniken, inom fysiken, som visar på att händelser på subatomär nivå sker slumpmässigt.
Den naturvetenskapliga utvecklingen kan tyckas ha kommit långt om man ser till människans bedrifter och skaparlystnad. Men har den det egentligen?…
In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared.
Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne…
Birds were once considered to be messengers from the Gods to humankind, and the Tarot was once called ”…the game of Gods and Birds.” Ancient societies all over the World set great store by their Augurs, who were experts at divination by analysis of birds. These magical magician-priests had the skills…
A short, practical, timely guide to the tools you need to understand the numbers we read in the news everyday – and how we often get them wrong
Every day, most of us will read or watch something in the news that is based on statistics in some way. Sometimes it’ll be obvious – ’X people develop…
The inspiring life stories of leading scientists as heard on BBC Radio 4
Welcome, dear visitor, to a proud and storied nation. When you put down this guidebook, look around you.
A nation isn’t land. A nation is people. Equal parts speculative and satirical, the stories in Matthew Baker’s collection portray a world within touching distance of our own. This is an America…
Kategorier: Biologi och biovetenskap Biovetenskap Genetik (ej medicinsk) Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Naturvetenskapens historia
»I den nya boken Den stora fröstölden av Jens Nordqvist får man lära känna några av de världsförbättrare och idealister, plundrare och mördare, som deltog i 1900-talets storslagna projekt att mätta mänskligheten med hjälp av växtförädling … Rafflande läsning!« Hemmets journal
»Den stora fröstölden är en…
Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Naturvetenskapens och teknikens inverkan på samhället
In his now-classic and hugely influential exploration of the evolving union of human and machine, world-renowned inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil foresees the dawning of a new civilisation where humans will transcend our biological limitations and amplify our creativity by combining our aptitudes with the vastly…
The moon landing remains the most astonishing and impressive accomplishment of manned space travel to this day. In July 1969, just eight years after President John F. Kennedy announced the bold plan, the first astronaut set foot on another celestial body. While Project Apollo: The Early Years covered the exciting…
From common toads and turtles to sea horses, cephalopods, and triggerfish, Tim Phelps’s mandalas cast an artistic eye on the real and imagined micro-architecture of animals. Vibrant illustrations and an engaging narrative invite the reader to wonder at nature’s seemingly endless variety of forms, from the…
Project Mercury was America’s entry into the manned spaceflight program. When the program began in 1958, the Soviet Union was far ahead of the US in the race for supremacy in space. With immense effort, and in record time, NASA, the newly created spaceflight organization, developed a space transport system with…
In just two-and-a-half years, beginning in 1964, two unmanned and ten manned flights took place in the Gemini program. This program was the turning point in the space race with the USSR; from then on the Americans took the lead. Flights lasting two weeks, into the Van Allen Belt, the first extravehicular activities,…
The Ozarks highland region of the Midwest, located in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas, contains beautiful mineral specimens for those with sharp eyes and a keen interest to discover minerals. Over 500 images represent the collectible minerals of the western Ozarks tristate district and Missouri’s Viburnum…