Over 320 beautiful modern and historic photos, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s, vibrant Landis Valley region, take readers through long-established, well-planned, and enduring Pennsylvania German farms. Visit historic farmsteads, barns, and vibrant flower and vegetable gardens. Meet four centuries worth of…
Among rock-forming minerals, the zeolite group is large and widespread, and is enormously important to industry. Zeolites form excellent crystals. The group is structurally complex and notable for its ability to exchange cations with surrounding solutions. Numerous diagrams help visualize important structural features…
In this book, the author of Color, Optical Appearance, Physical Phenomenon and Artistic Means of Expression, which has appeared in six languages, gives as overview of the theory of color from antiquity to the present. His study, clarified by numerous B/W and color illustrations, promotes the understanding of many…
One of England’s foremost bird photographers presents here for the first time a study of wading and shore birds, with over a hundred full-color pictures. The pictures of these beautiful feathered creatures, favorites of birders and wood carvers alike will delight the eye while providing an important resource for…
This useful reference presents over a hundred full color photographs of the common Canada goose, the Cackling goose, Richardson’s goose and the Brandt in natural habitats and a wide variety of classic and unusual positions. Tricia Veasey has artistically captured on film the structural details, feather patterns,…
This handy book is a comprehensive photographic study of over 150 exquisite full-color pictures of mallards from diverse regions in many natural environments and body positions. Most of the ducks shown are wild, but there are a few penned. The majority are in full breeding plumage while a few drakes in moult are…
The axinite group of rock-formed minerals is well known to collectors through the spectacularly sharp crystals collected in quantity at Dal’negorsk and Puiva in Russia and at Tomas and other localities in Pakistan. Axinites are occasionally cut as gems. This concise monograph provides an up-to-date review of the…
Among rock-forming minerals, the vesuvianite group is best known through the many colorful crystals collected at the Jeffrey quarry, in Asbestos, Canada. Spectacular finds in China and Pakistan have added interest in this mineral group. The detailed text begins with an explanation of the chemistry and taxonomy of the…
Fluorite is found everywhere, has been important to industry for centuries, and is a minor ornamental material as well. Fluorite presents a fascinating array of colors, habits, and associated minerals and is widely available. See spectacularly large ”museum quality” specimens that can be found. Fluorite…
Vad naturvetenskapen och Bibeln kan säga om alltings yttersta orsak. Varför universum (multiversum) inte kan vara orsak till sig självt. Varför Gud måste finnas och kan vara sin egen orsak.
For bear lovers and advertising buffs alike, collectors and non-collectors, this book is a must; it is destined to become ”the” definitive reference work on bears that advertise products. With more than 500 previously unpublished color photographs, this first-of-its-kind book spotlights bears used to entice…
The reissue of this classic history allows us to once again journey into the past and rediscover for the first time the forgotten men and methods of logging history in the Northwest United States and Canada. This book contain the best photographs of a dozen famous collections: Davis and Benson rafts, river drives, hand…
Although media reports suggest that there always has been public concern over the health of the Chesapeake Bay, this is a fairly recent phenomenon. For centuries people saw the bay as a bottomless sink for waste products—a natural decomposer with the ability to freshen itself with ocean inflows. Not until human health…
Since its discovery by Captain John Smith in 1608, the Nanticoke has never been particularly hospitable to the outsider. Flowing thirty-six miles from its source above Seaford, Delaware, to the Chesapeake Bay below Salisbury on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, it is surrounded by mosquito-ridden and low-lying marshland.…
Although they are familiar and amusing characters, gulls are frequently dismissed as common ”parking lot” birds or because their diverse species can be hard to identify. Both assumptions disregard the beauty and grace of gulls, which are among the most approachable of North America’s birds. This…
From the towering pines of Shasta Trinity National Forest, to the chaparral scrub of San Diego’s Mexican border, to Yosemite and the Western Sierras, trained wildland firefighter and photojournalist Stuart Palley documents California’s raging wildfires and the forces behind them during the state’s…
This doctoral dissertation explores the interplay between water, heritage and the agency of the imagination. Instead of seeking how to map subjects or heritage, the research focuses on the ways in which mapping and the cartographic gaze have produced subjects in specific categories. It seeks to create moments of…
This concise history is the first book in a new series on the Soviet space program and features many rare photographs, diagrams, and charts. When Soviet rocket experts examined the first Nazi V-2s in early 1945, they immediately realized that their own technology was years behind what the Germans had developed. The…
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World-renowned woodturner Dick Sing takes you through all the steps needed to create delightful and decorative miniature birdhouses. Starting with a basic birdhouse, Dick illustrates how to set up and turn the body, roof, perch, and finial. Clear, step-by-step instructions show wood preparation, proper use of equipment…
Provided here is a detailed picture of the lives and environments of whales and seals, including chapters on anatomy, adaptation to aquatic life, nutrition, migration, reproduction, and paracites and enemies. The interaction of man with these marine animals is also explored, as is their paleontology. New information…
Over 140 color photos, diagrams, and text reveal the crystal structures, habits, names, and changing family relationships of silicate crystals. This thorough guide provides an introduction to crystallography, the current classification of silicate structures, and reviews orthosilicates, disilicates, chain silicates,…
560 color photos and engaging text take readers on a journey back to a world first of tropical climates and then plunging into an Ice Age. It covers the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene Epochs, and includes a dazzling array of fossils, including plants, mollusks, sharks, insects, mammoths, and mastodons.…
Updated values and text revisions have been made to this popular and thorough guide to Candlewick crystal, one of the most popular lines of glass produced by the Imperial Glass Corporation of Bellaire, Ohio, which was introduced in 1936 and manufactured until the company’s closing in 1984. Today this pattern,…
Seeing fluorescent minerals up close for the first time is an exciting experience. The colors are so pure and the glow is so seemingly unnatural, that it is hard to believe they are natural rocks. Hundreds of glowing minerals are shown, including Aragonite, Celestine, Feldspar, Microcline, Picropharmacolite, Quartz,…
Garnet, with its many color varieties, is a favorite of both mineral collectors and gemologists. Superb examples are found at many locales worldwide, in both igneous and metamorphic rocks. Other members of the group are prized by species collectors and micromount enthusiasts. Over 120 color photos of these beautiful…
In this second book on Paleozoic fossils, over 840 all new specimens from this period are provided, organized by biologic (taxonomic) position. It is a real eye candy feast for fossil enthusiasts. Come and explore the fossil evidence for a world that was ancient and long gone when the dinosaurs ruled the earth.…
Learn specific details about additional members of the herd of wild Chincoteague Ponies on Assateague Island by collecting and trading this second set in the popular series of Chincoteague Pony trading cards. As with the previous set, each card shows both sides of the pony for identification purposes. Every pony has a…
In The End of the End of the Earth, which gathers essays and speeches written mostly in the past five years, Jonathan Franzen returns with renewed vigor to the themes – both human and literary – that have long preoccupied him. Whether exploring his complex relationship with his uncle, recounting his young…
The Infinite Monkey Cage, the legendary BBC Radio 4 programme, brings you this irreverent celebration of scientific marvels. Join us on a hectic leap through the grand and bizarre ideas conjured up by human imagination, from dark matter to consciousness via neutrinos and earthworms.
Professor Brian Cox and Robin Ince…
In addition to attracting flocks of tourists every summer, Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard have a wide variety of feathered visitors and permanent residents. From a vast collection of images of birds captured by noted bird photographer Roger S. Everett, forty Cape & Island birds are gathered in…
This is much-awaited sequel to LaMotte’s ever-popular Pure Sea Glass. This elegant compilation reveals extraordinary stories of healing along with profiles of 14 sea glass collections from regions of the United States. The reader is presented with more aspects on shard identification and exposed to the role history…
Updated values and text revisions have been made to this popular and thorough guide to Candlewick crystal, one of the most popular lines of glass produced by the Imperial Glass Corporation of Bellaire, Ohio, which was introduced in 1936 and manufactured until the company’s closing in 1984. Today this pattern,…
The Atlantic coast, from Maryland north to New England, is part of a major flyway for migrating birds, and therefore an important destination for birdwatchers and other nature lovers. From the great variety of birds found along the shores and wetlands of the Atlantic coast noted bird photographer Roger S. Everett has…
This guide to celestial navigation has been popular ever since it first appeared in 1969. Revised in 1982, Celestial Navigation is a quick, easy, and thorough explanation (with realistically worked problems) of the practice of celestial navigation at sea, using simple and inexpensive equipment. Extracts from the…
Continuing a tradition that began in 1842, this book examines 24 localities of particular interest to mineral collectors. These localities are organized by how they occur (in sedimentary rocks, in crystalline rocks, in fractures)—a new approach that brings coherence to relationships among similar localities. For each…
Fascinating color photos let you see whales in their natural habitat. Learn about their behavior, external anatomy, and physical features. Discussed in the text are the humpback, minke, finback, and the rarely seen right whales, baleen whales that eat by taking in thousands of gallons of water and schools of fish or…