
av: Frans Gerritsen

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
In this book, the author of Color, Optical Appearance, Physical Phenomenon and Artistic Means of Expression, which has appeared in six languages, gives as overview of the theory of color from antiquity to the present. His study, clarified by numerous B/W and color illustrations, promotes the understanding of many…
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Isbn: 9780887401435


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert J. Lauf

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Among rock-forming minerals, the zeolite group is large and widespread, and is enormously important to industry. Zeolites form excellent crystals. The group is structurally complex and notable for its ability to exchange cations with surrounding solutions. Numerous diagrams help visualize important structural features…
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Isbn: 9780764346750


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Irwin Richman

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Over 320 beautiful modern and historic photos, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s, vibrant Landis Valley region, take readers through long-established, well-planned, and enduring Pennsylvania German farms. Visit historic farmsteads, barns, and vibrant flower and vegetable gardens. Meet four centuries worth of…
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Isbn: 9780764325465


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Amy Townsend - Billy Broas - Chelsea Jen

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
As a fuel, biodiesel is attractive for many reasons. It can be made using a variety of local resources on a small scale. Biodiesel supports local farms and economies and plays a part in community building. It may be made using renewable resources, making it an environmentally preferable alternative fuel. Yet, there are…
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Isbn: 9780764329081


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av:Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Over 500 photos and engaging text reveal the fossils of the Cretaceous Period, the last period of the Mesozoic Era, the ”Age of Reptiles,” dating from 120 to 67 million years ago. Included are typical Mesozoic fossils, such as the ammonites, belemnites, and other collectible fossil mollusks characteristic…
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Isbn: 9780764332593


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert J. Lauf

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The mineral Titania is found in large, well-formed crystals at localities around the world. Over 100 color photos display three of the common titanium dioxide minerals: rutile, anatase, and brookite, along with a variety of interesting mineralogical phenomena. These are specimens the average collector will be able to…
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Isbn: 9780764332685


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Over 670 color photos reveal the Paleozoic plants that covered the earth from 500 to 260 million years ago, well before the dinosaurs roamed the world. These plants provide some of the earliest records to the greening of planet earth. They also make fascinating, very attractive fossils, which can be considered as…
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Isbn: 9780764343278


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Dr. Steven C. Chamberlain

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Continuing a tradition that began in 1842, this book examines 24 localities of particular interest to mineral collectors. These localities are organized by how they occur (in sedimentary rocks, in crystalline rocks, in fractures)—a new approach that brings coherence to relationships among similar localities. For each…
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Isbn: 9780764343346


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Michael R. Walter

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
This is the first published guide to Herkimer diamonds, striking quartz crystals, that includes all important aspects of interest to anyone curious about this unique form of the mineral quartz. Over 210 vivid color images of important specimens, associated minerals, and field shots illustrate the informative text and…
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Isbn: 9780764347108


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av:William Morgan

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Texas is known worldwide as a rich resource for the intricate Cretaceous-age echinoids widely sought by professional and amateur paleontologists. With much of the scientific literature on Texas Cretaceous echinoids decades old, here is an updated and detailed guide for identifying this rich fossil fauna. After a brief…
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Isbn: 9780764350313


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Teena Ruark Gorrow - Craig Koppie

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
When newly paired American bald eagles nested in a tulip poplar tree at the United States National Arboretum, the American Eagle Foundation partnered with the Department of Agriculture and the National Arboretum to launch the DC Eagle Cam Project. With 63 million views from 100 countries during 2016, the raptor parents…
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Isbn: 9780764353604


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The Ozarks highland region of the Midwest, located in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas, contains beautiful mineral specimens for those with sharp eyes and a keen interest to discover minerals. Over 500 images represent the collectible minerals of the western Ozarks tristate district and Missouri’s Viburnum…
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Isbn: 9780764347153


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Timothy Phelps

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
From common toads and turtles to sea horses, cephalopods, and triggerfish, Tim Phelps’s mandalas cast an artistic eye on the real and imagined micro-architecture of animals. Vibrant illustrations and an engaging narrative invite the reader to wonder at nature’s seemingly endless variety of forms, from the…
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Isbn: 9780764350641


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Eugen Reichl

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Project Mercury was America’s entry into the manned spaceflight program. When the program began in 1958, the Soviet Union was far ahead of the US in the race for supremacy in space. With immense effort, and in record time, NASA, the newly created spaceflight organization, developed a space transport system with…
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Isbn: 9780764350696


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Eugen Reichl

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
In just two-and-a-half years, beginning in 1964, two unmanned and ten manned flights took place in the Gemini program. This program was the turning point in the space race with the USSR; from then on the Americans took the lead. Flights lasting two weeks, into the Van Allen Belt, the first extravehicular activities,…
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Isbn: 9780764350702


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Eugen Reichl

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The moon landing remains the most astonishing and impressive accomplishment of manned space travel to this day. In July 1969, just eight years after President John F. Kennedy announced the bold plan, the first astronaut set foot on another celestial body. While Project Apollo: The Early Years covered the exciting…
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Isbn: 9780764353758


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Tricia Veasey

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
A beautiful waterfowl source book for carvers, taxidermists, ornithologists, and waterfowl enthusiasts. Close-up photographs show detailed feather patterns, color, and species information. Full species descriptions accompany these beautiful and important illustrations. A comprehensive state-by-state guide for observing…
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Isbn: 9780916838898


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Robert J., Phd. Lauf

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Mica is a broad term encompassing about forty minerals, ranging from the common to the rare, many at times forming excellent crystals jewelers use. This book feaures examples recently described among the 115 striking color photos and electron micrographs that illustrate the text. A detailed entry for each type includes…
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Isbn: 9780764330476


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Robert J. Lauf

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Over 90 striking color photos display minerals of the epidote group, well known to mineral collectors for their rich colors and the many interesting minerals with which they occur. Lapidary artists also value epidote, particularly in the form of unakite, and precious or semiprecious varieties of the related mineral…
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Isbn: 9780764330483


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av:Scott Rashid

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl found throughout most of North America. Adult owls are between eighteen to 24 inches from head to tail and can have a wing span of more than four feet. Their long ear tufts and cryptic coloration enables them to remain well hidden during the day, often out of sight of sharp-eyed…
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Isbn: 9780764347665


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Robert J., Phd. Lauf

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
For students of geology, this book offers a systematic overview of uranium and thorium minerals, which are known for their intense ultraviolet fluorescence and are  critically important as our source of nuclear energy. Learn about the geochemical conditions that produce significant ore deposits and view more than 600…
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Isbn: 9780764351136


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Peter Trull

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Nesting along the sandy fringe of the North American coast from Maine to Florida, terns are graceful symbols of our coastal beaches, yet they lead fragile and frantic lives. Join educator, storyteller, and photographer Peter Trull as he describes the physical and behavioral differences among the four types of terns…
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Isbn: 9780764357640


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Ingeborg M Niesler , Angela K Niebel-L

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Flowers come in an unbelievable array of shapes and colors. Yet, their leaf and fruit forms surpass even their floral splendor. From Acanthaceae to Zygophyllaceae, this book features magnificent color portraits of 200 flowering-plant families from around the world. The deconstructed plant parts—flowers, leaves,…
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Isbn: 9780764361333


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Adele Kenny

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
No Victorian parlor was complete without a Staffordshire Spaniel on the mantel. This fascinating text focuses exclusively on these popular Victorian era antiques produced in Staffordshire, England from circa 1840 through the turn of the century. A detailed look at all of the Spaniel variations, along with the history…
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Isbn: 9780764302169


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Bruce L. Stinchcomb

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
This valuable book provides information on fossils, fossil collecting, and price ranges for most specimens illustrated. The comprehensive text begins with the earliest fossil record of life from strata representative of ”deep time,” called the Precambrian by geologists. Foremost in this early record of life…
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Isbn: 9780764326974


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av: Dr. Andreas Landmann

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
In recent years, minerals and gems have enjoyed growing renown and popularity. At this time there are some 3,800 different minerals known from all parts of the world that have been deep in the earth for millions of years and grew there over thousands of years. Learn to identify the most important groups of minerals,…
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Isbn: 9780764330667


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Steve Chamberlain - Marian Lupulescu - D

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The Balmat Mining District in southern St. Lawrence County, New York, is a former mining site known among collectors for its highly prized minerals. For more than 100 years, it was one of the world’s most important sources of talc and zinc. Because most of the zinc ore was crushed underground and brought to the…
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Isbn: 9780764354663


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Joe Votano

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Beaches are the most dynamic places on Earth, offering an infinite variety of patterns and geological land formations. This book celebrates and solves the mysteries of the fascinating and frequently abstract beauty of gravitational effects at the water’s edge. Lovers of natural history will appreciate the images…
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Isbn: 9780764354878


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av: Chuck Rineer

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Discover the world of the wolves of Speedwell Forge Wolf Sanctuary, a refuge for displaced wolves located in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania. Through captivating and, at times, startling images, experience wolves at work and play, and encounter their howls and growls close up. Since 2007, Chuck Rineer has…
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Isbn: 9780764354908


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BB

av:Merlin Sheldrake

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
The smash-hit Sunday Times bestseller that will transform your understanding of our planet and life itself. ’Dazzling, vibrant, vision-changing’ Robert MacfarlaneWinner of the Wainwright Prize for Conservation Writing 2021The more we learn about fungi, the less makes sense without them.
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Isbn: 9781784708276


Utgivare: Random House UK

Mediatyp: BC

av:Adam Rutherford

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
A short, highly directed guide to an area of science that is little understood but increasingly part of public discourse by the Sunday Times bestselling author of HOW TO ARGUE WITH A RACIST
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Isbn: 9781474622387


Utgivare: Hachette UK Distribution

Mediatyp: BB


Isbn: 9781474618021


Utgivare: Orion Publishing Group

Mediatyp: BC

av:Jens Nordqvist

Kategorier: Biologi och biovetenskap Biovetenskap Genetik (ej medicinsk) Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Naturvetenskapens historia
»I den nya boken Den stora fröstölden av Jens Nordqvist får man lära känna några av de världsförbättrare och idealister, plundrare och mördare, som deltog i 1900-talets storslagna projekt att mätta mänskligheten med hjälp av växtförädling … Rafflande läsning!« Hemmets journal »Den stora fröstölden är en…
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Isbn: 9789177899846


Utgivare: Historiska Media

Mediatyp: BC

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Isbn: 9789179650575


Utgivare: Volante

Mediatyp: BB

av:Matthew Baker

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Welcome, dear visitor, to a proud and storied nation. When you put down this guidebook, look around you. A nation isn’t land. A nation is people. Equal parts speculative and satirical, the stories in Matthew Baker’s collection portray a world within touching distance of our own. This is an America…

Isbn: 9781526618429


Utgivare: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd.

Mediatyp: BC

av:Anna Buckley

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Populärvetenskap
The inspiring life stories of leading scientists as heard on BBC Radio 4
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Isbn: 9781474608084


Utgivare: Orion Publishing Group

Mediatyp: BC

av:David, QC Chivers

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Populärvetenskap
A short, practical, timely guide to the tools you need to understand the numbers we read in the news everyday – and how we often get them wrong Every day, most of us will read or watch something in the news that is based on statistics in some way. Sometimes it’ll be obvious – ’X people develop…

Isbn: 9781474619974


Utgivare: Orion Publishing Group

Mediatyp: BC

av:Adele Nozedar

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
Birds were once considered to be messengers from the Gods to humankind, and the Tarot was once called ”…the game of Gods and Birds.” Ancient societies all over the World set great store by their Augurs, who were experts at divination by analysis of birds. These magical magician-priests had the skills…
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Isbn: 9780764339004


Utgivare: Schiffer Publishing

Mediatyp: BC

av:Britt Marie J. Veijus

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
”Gud spelar inte tärning”, myntade Albert Einstein. Uttalandet gällde den nya kvantmekaniken, inom fysiken, som visar på att händelser på subatomär nivå sker slumpmässigt. Den naturvetenskapliga utvecklingen kan tyckas ha kommit långt om man ser till människans bedrifter och skaparlystnad. Men har den det egentligen?…
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Isbn: 9789163937507


Utgivare: Veijus Förlag

Mediatyp: BB

av:James Poskett

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Populärvetenskap
A radical retelling of the history of science that challenges the Eurocentric narrative. We are told that modern science was invented in Europe, the product of great minds like Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein. But this is wrong. The history of science is not, and has never been, a…

Isbn: 9780241394106


Utgivare: Penguin Books Ltd.

Mediatyp: BC