Gain insight to the current world of Botanical Art and see the work of 65 top artists from throughout America. Gorgeous flowers, leaves, plants, roots, and vegetables have been beautifully drawn and painted and are displayed here. See 220 colorful images that bring modern techniques and a contemporary eye to this…
Over 650 vivid color photos reveal the geo-collectible fossils and minerals associated with the first two billion years of earth’s history. The engaging text explores the geology of shield areas and their associated rocks and minerals. Also examined are pegmatites and their associated minerals, including attractive…
Beryl in its many color varieties is a favorite of both mineral collectors and gemologists. Superb examples are found at many locales worldwide, mainly in pegmatites and schists. Other members of the group are prized by species collectors and micromount enthusiasts. This book explains how beryl is formed and the unique…
This new photographic study continues the series begun by Tricia Veasey with her Geese and Mallards books in 1988. The excellent color photos of these interesting varieties of waterfowl in their natural settings provide study material for bird enthusiasts, artists and all manner of hobbyists who need factual visual…
After the strong success of Roger Everett’s first book Wading and Shore Birds, we are pleased to offer this new collection: Favorite Songbirds. With over 100 full-color photographs of exquisite beauty, Roger offers images of the birds we know and love the best: cardinals. chickadees, goldfinches, robins, and…
When Captain John Smith sailed up the Chesapeake Bay in 1608, he discovered a land so rich in wildlife that numbers could not begin to tell the whole story. The abundances of birds blackened the sky. Meat-eating wolves and mountain lions had so much game at their disposal that they didn’t bother the caged livestock.…
Open this book and take an excursion through the fossil world of the first half of the Cenozoic Era–the Age of Mammals. Over 370 color photos detail the fossil record of this bygone age from small sea creatures to the lumbering rhinoceros, Subhyracodon occidentalis, and rare fossilized bats. The engaging text…
Fabulous foliage – artists have drawn inspiration from the form and intricate textures of foliage since the beginning of time. This beautiful book and its accompanying Mac and PC compatible CD contain over 150 photographs of summer, autumn, and evergreen foliage, as well as grasses, groundcovers, and tropical and…
Over 115 striking color photos display pyroxene group minerals in all their forms and colors. This group of rock-forming minerals is best known to collectors through well-formed diopside crystals from many localities, including in Canada, the northeastern United States, the Alpine regions of Europe, and through the…
What would you do if faced with a school of sharks in a feeding frenzy? Find out in this book, unquestionably the most authoritative compact guide to the world of underwater animals that are poisonous, venomous, and electric. It is an excellent practical handbook for sailors, marine biologists, ecologists, naturalists,…
The late Dr. Elton N. Woodbury had a fascination for butterflies ever since, as a preschooler, he and a friend encouraged the friend’s younger sister to sample a yellow sulphur butterfly—hoping to discover whether it tasted buttery. The toddler ran screaming to her mother, and despite being punished, young Elton…
Where do the Chesapeake Bay’s sea turtles come from in the summer, and where do they go in winter? Where do swans come from when they arrive in the region in November? Why do fishermen and sailors consistently see monarch butterflies out over the open bay in late summer?
Chesapeake Almanac: Following the Bay through…
Quartz is prized by both mineral collectors and lapidary artists. Over 130 vivid photographs of these beautiful minerals are presented to show each mineral in its geological context. Superb examples are found in diverse geological settings from pegmatites to Alpine clefts and hydrothermal veins. The silica minerals are…
Kategorier: Allmän historia, världshistoria Arkeologi Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Etnicitet Folkliga föreställningar och kontroversiell kunskap Folktro, myter och legender Forntida, medeltida och klassiska texter Genusvetenskap Historia Historia och arkeologi Historia: särskilda händelser och ämnen Konst Konst: teman och motiv Konsthistoria Matematik och naturvetenskap Myter och legender Naturvetenskap Naturvetenskapens historia Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Skönlitteratur Sociala grupper Socialhistoria och kulturhistoria
A fresh retelling of the ancient texts about Ishtar, the world’s first goddess. Illustrated with visual artifacts of the period. ”A great masterpiece of universal literature.”–Mircea Eliade
Bears are a symbol of strength in many cultures, and the sitting bear is no exception. Carve your own soapstone sitting bear and see its many characteristics come to life. The patterns provided help you design and shape your sitting bear, and illustrated, step-by-step directions offer carving techniques. Chapters…
Titeln är dubbeltydig. Dels: Varför finns Gud? Är Gud sin egen orsak? Men även: Vem blev skapad av Gud, alltså människan. Naturvetenskap används för att förstå människans, universums och i någon mån Guds egenskaper. Varför Gud kan vara sin egen orsak, och varför universum (multiversum) inte kan vara det? Vad är…
Fifty years have changed our view of space. The spin-off technologies from the world’s space programs have an ever increasing influence on our daily lives. While early spaceflights were mainly nationalistic demonstrations of power, today a wide range of scientific or technological objectives are carried out in…
Among rock-forming minerals, the colorful tourmaline group is a favorite of both mineral collectors and gemologists. Superb examples are found at many locales worldwide, and in diverse geological settings from pegmatites to schists. Over 120 clear, crisp photos show each mineral in its geological context. This book…
A remarkably diverse population of bird life, migratory and indigenous, lives in the region known as the Chesapeake Bay country. It is one of the finest locations on the eastern seaboard for observing wild birds.
Among the cattail and wild rice, the cordgrass and loblolly, from the countryside north of Baltimore to the…
This two-volume set is an essential reference work dedicated to clock companies that have kept time for us from the late 1600s through the early 2000s. The comprehensive text explores mechanical and electric clock companies; clock retail and part supplier firms; clock related foundry companies; clock label printers;…
Over 500 color images and engaging text provide insight into these interesting collectibles from ”out of this world.” Meteorites link back to the early stages of the Milky Way galaxy and are the oldest items one can touch, some dating back to before the creation of our solar system. Meteorites are also…
Over 250 photos and eloquent text reveal the majesty of Virginia’s James River. Explore the river from its humble beginnings on private property to the point where it meets one of the nation’s busiest seaports. See Class V rapids in the heart of Richmond as nowhere else in America. The text includes a final…
The rich and diverse world of fluorescent minerals is explored in this sweeping survey. Breathtakingly pure colors, with their ethereal glow, immediately capture your attention. Did you know that color television is a result of the study of fluorescing minerals?
Fresh finds of fluorescent minerals are showing up…
This fascinating and beautiful guide provides detailed information and over 160 striking photos and drawings of four species of small mountain owls found in America’s Rocky Mountains, with special focus on the inhabitants of the Rocky Mountains National Park: the Flammulated Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Northern…
Vi lever i en värld, som förändras. Vi oroar över klimatet, flyktingströmmar, krigshot, kärnvapen osv. och förändringarna går fort.
I denna antologi är olika områden presenterade där varje kapitel är fristående och kan läsa i valfri ordning. En stor del är faktainnehåll och kan vara underlag för diskussioner i…
Explore the rich fossil record of the Paleozoic Era, from the Cambrian (545 million years ago) through the Permian (almost 300 million years ago) with 650 high quality color photos and detailed, highly readable text. Following his successful work on the earliest fossils, the author now starts at that time in earths…
Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc. Essäer Fotografi Geovetenskap, geografi, miljö och samhällsplanering Konst Matematik och naturvetenskap Miljön Naturvetenskap
Det är tyst här. Inte ett ljud hörs. Luften är klar, ren. Over mig välver sig himlen. Markens
öppenhet lämnar himlen nära. Här råder en tidlöshet. En plats att beröras av evigheten.
Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Outdoor schools / education Pedagogik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Skolor Undervisning i specifika ämnen
Att lära in ute året runt
Boken Att lära in ute året runt, på över 300 sidor, beskriver hur man kan arbeta utomhus med barn och elever under alla årstider med hänvisningar till kursplanernas centrala innehåll i Lgr 11. Den är indelad i olika teman med fokus på naturkunskap men med kopplingar till andra ämnen och…
Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap Naturvetenskapens och teknikens inverkan på samhället Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala och etiska frågor Sociala prognoser och framtidsstudier
”Briljanta spekulationer om framtiden … En storartad bok.”
”Utmanande och tankeväckande”
Bill Gates
Under det senaste århundradet har människan lyckats göra det omöjliga. Svält, krig och sjukdomar har förvandlats från obegripliga naturkrafter till problem som faktiskt går att…
I denna lilla uppsats, som först publicerades i en vetenskaplig tidskrift, formulerar författaren universellt giltiga naturlagar kring hur information uppstår och hur den överförs.
Första delen ägnar dr Gitt åt att förklara vad en naturlag innebär, att definiera vad universell information är samt att härleda fyra…
I denna lilla uppsats, som först publicerades i en vetenskaplig tidskrift, formulerar författaren universellt giltiga naturlagar kring hur information uppstår och hur den överförs.
Första delen ägnar dr Gitt åt att förklara vad en naturlag innebär, att definiera vad universell information är samt att härleda fyra…
Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.
A collection of the weirdest and wackiest theories from science and history by bestselling author of Elephants on Acid, Alex Boese.
Richard Dawkins explores the wonder of flight. A book for ages 8-80 about flying – from the mythical Icarus, to the sadly extinct but magnificent bird Argentavis magnificens, to the British Airways pilots of today.
The Wonder of Flight. The Science of Evolution. From both, Richard Dawkins weaves a fascinating and…
An award-winning physician and scientist makes the game-changing case that genetic females are stronger than males at every stage of life
From birth, genetic females are better at fighting viruses, infections and cancer. They do better at surviving epidemics and famines. They live longer, and even see the world in a…
An enthralling examination of some of the most remarkable creatures in the animal kingdom, and what they tell us about what it means to be human.