Value added taxes exist in more than 160 countries around the world. The EU VAT is a tax providing substantial revenues for the Member States in the EU and is linked to each Member State’s fee to the European Union. It is an indirect tax aiming to tax consumption.
The EU VAT system is a dual tax system co-existing at…
Value added taxes exist in more than 160 countries around the world. The EU VAT is a tax providing substantial revenues for the Member States in the EU and is linked to each Member State’s fee to the European Union. It is an indirect tax aiming to tax consumption.
The EU VAT system is a dual tax system co-existing at…
Value added taxes exist in more than 165 countries around the world. The EU VAT is a tax providing substantial revenues for the Member States in the EU and is linked to each Member State’s fee to the European Union. It is an indirect tax aiming to tax consumption.
The EU VAT system is a dual tax system co-existing at…
Internationell beskattning har under de senaste åren blivit ett alltmer betydelsefullt område. Internationell skatterätt befinner sig dessutom i en tid av kraftig omvandling.
Den här boken behandlar intern internationell skatterätt, skatteavtalsrätt och EU-skatterätt. Inom området för intern internationell skatterätt…
Denna laghandbok är ett urval och ett fysiskt komplement till den digitala rättskällan Internationell beskattning, som utges av Norstedts Juridik på JUNO.
Boken behandlar svenska rättsregler, och svensk rättspraxis på den internationella beskattningens område, samt en…
Value added taxes exist in more than 165 countries around the world. The EU VAT is a tax providing substantial revenues for the Member States in the EU and is linked to each Member State’s fee to the European Union. It is an indirect tax aiming to tax consumption.
The EU VAT system is a dual tax system co-existing at…