Every day, millions of people complain that they are tired. In fact, studies show that fatigue is one of the most common problems for which people seek help from a doctor. But tests often fail to provide an explanation of chronic fatigue. TIRED—SO TIRED! explains why so many people experience exhaustion and, more importantly, presents easy-to-follow steps for boosting energy and regaining health.
After years of research, Dr. William G. Crook discovered that sugar and yeast, along with other foods and chemicals to which people can develop sensitivities, are major dietary culprits and can cause everything from headaches to chronic fatigue syndrome. He, also, found a connection between fatigue and certain nutrient deficiencies. With this information in mind, the doctor developed a diet and vitamin plan that can eliminate fatigue and related symptoms. TIRED—SO TIRED! presents the doctor's treatment programme as well as his research on this important subject.