The media and the mundane : communication across media in everyday life
Utgiven av:Nordicom, Responstryck AB
Focusing on cross-media communication as it unfolds in everyday contexts, the idea of this book is not to provide a universal definition of ‘everyday life’ but to provide different insights into everyday life from a user-centric perspective on cross-media communication. A key contribution of the book will be a more general discussion and qualification of everyday life as a ‘space of agency’ constituted by the range of (media) technologies being used within the frameworks of everyday life practices. The media technologies analysed throughout this book condition user-manoeuvrability in different ways, and therefore both constrain and enable the kinds of user patterns that can be expected. In other words, media technologies in various combinations shape spaces of agency, but users operating different media technologies in mundane contexts also shape this space of agency, for instance by applying different platforms, social media and apps, in different, and sometimes unintended, ways.