
Stars Kit : A Practical Guide to the Key Constellations

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
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Stars Kit : A Practical Guide to the Key Constellations

Kategorier: Matematik och naturvetenskap Naturvetenskap
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This portable and interactive kit includes a mix of northern- and southern-hemisphere constellations, such as: · Orion · Bootes · Taurus · Virgo · Perseus · Ursa Major · Crux · Hydra · ... and many more Once you've used the cards to identify the shapes in the night sky, read through the book to learn about their mythological and cultural history, as well as all of the fascinating deep sky objects and celestial events the constellations are home to.  Noticing the constellations in the night skies above can foster a sense of curiosity and awe like nothing else on Earth. With a mix of scientific fact and meditative insight, this kit will help you discover how the twinkly skies can connect us all more deeply to our inner selves. This is the perfect gift for a night of stargazing or for those embarking on a stargazing holiday.