Secret Dowry Of Eve : Womans Role in the Development of Consciousness
Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Genusvetenskap Genusvetenskap: kvinnor och flickor Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mysticism Mystik, magi och det ockulta Religion och tro Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
Secret Dowry Of Eve : Womans Role in the Development of Consciousness
Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Andlighet och religiös erfarenhet Aspekter av religion Filosofi och religion Genusvetenskap Genusvetenskap: kvinnor och flickor Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mysticism Mystik, magi och det ockulta Religion och tro Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
• Reveals why Eve was allowed to eat the apple of knowledge forbidden to Adam.
• Uses mythological imagery to reveal the working processes of awareness in the human brain.
• Combines ancient Qabalic techniques and modern scientific brain research to show how Genesis is an operating manual for creating wholeness in the psyche.
Adam exists within all our psyches, as does Eve. While Adam represents the masculine component of consciousness--pure intellect--Eve represents the functions of the brain's frontal lobes, the feminine intuitive integrator of the four-level human brain. If we wish to be whole, we must develop and integrate the feminine with the masculine. Using her lifelong study of the Qabalah and the secret meanings of the Hebrew alphabet, Glynda-Lee Hoffmann shows how the Garden of Eden story is actually an instruction manual that explains transcendence as a biological imperative.
Hoffmann reveals why it was permissible for Eve to eat the apple of knowledge that was forbidden to Adam. Eve's desire for integration, clarity, and transcendence--for wisdom--is a goal Adam is biologically incapable of pursuing without her. Though written as mythology, Genesis contains remarkable scientific and psychological correlations that can help an individual integrate the masculine and feminine sides of the psyche and thereby translate potential into actuality.