Principles of wireless communications
Principles of wireless communications
Kategorier: Elektronik och kommunikationsteknik Kommunikationsteknik / telekommunikation Teknik, ingenjörsvetenskap etc.
• Fundamentals of radio propagation and antennas
• Transmission schemes, including modulation, coding and equalizing schemes for broadband wireless communications
• Diversity systems
• Wireless data transmission
• Introduction to Wireless Network design and resource management
The fundamentals are illustrated by examples from state-of-the-art technologies such as OFDM, WCDMA, WLANs and others. The book contains a significant number of worked examples and more than 160 problems with answers. It is intended for use in a first graduate course in Wireless Communications and the reader should be familiar with the fundamentals of probability and communication theory.
Från och med andra upplagan ges denna bok ut som mjukband. Denna upplaga innehåller dock inga förändringar av innehållet jämfört med första upplagan.