Perceptions of the justice systemin socially disadvantaged areas. Brå report 2018:12
Perceptions of the justice systemin socially disadvantaged areas. Brå report 2018:12
Kategorier: Brottslighet och kriminologi Brottsorsaker och brottsförebyggande Juridik Kriminologi: juridiska aspekter Rättsvetenskap och allmänna rättsfrågor Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Socialtjänst, välfärd och kriminologi
- have confidence in the police and courts
- feel safe in their neighbourhoods
- are willing to telephone the police, identify perpetratorsto the police, or give evidence in court
- experience that there is influence exercised by criminalsor other forms of parallel societal structures in theareas.
Interviews with representatives of civil society, business owners, municipal employees, police officers, and others working in the areas provide additional perspective. The report is intended primarily for the justice system, butis also of interest to municipalities, public authorities, and other parties who work in socially disadvantaged areas.
Rapporten finns också att köpa på svenska.