
New questions, new insights, new approaches. Contributions to the research forum at the world summit on media for children and youth 2010

Kategorier: Åldersgrupper och generationer Åldersgrupper: barn Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
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New questions, new insights, new approaches. Contributions to the research forum at the world summit on media for children and youth 2010

Kategorier: Åldersgrupper och generationer Åldersgrupper: barn Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sociala grupper
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Rapid and dramatically changing digital and converging media and communication processes have given rise to new questions about the relations between children, youth and media. These processes have prompted many in research and in the debate to reformulate and re-approach basic questions at new levels and from new perspectives. By elucidating, broadening and contextualizing knowledge about young people and media from a global point of view, we also discover the very different media situations in various parts of the world.