
More Tools For Teaching Social Skills In School : Lesson Plans, Role Plays, Activities, Worksheets and Posters to Improve Student Behavior

Kategorier: Pedagogik Pedagogisk metodik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
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More Tools For Teaching Social Skills In School : Lesson Plans, Role Plays, Activities, Worksheets and Posters to Improve Student Behavior

Kategorier: Pedagogik Pedagogisk metodik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
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The workbook has thirty-five new lesson plans with activities to help you teach valuable social skills to students! Use this workbook to introduce a range of social skills, from the basic (Following Instructions and Listening to Others) to the complex (Advocating for Oneself and Setting Long-Term Goals). Lessons are written in an easy-to-follow format with talking points to help you define and explain a skill and guide students through an activity. At the end of each lesson is a Think Sheet for students with questions about how to use a skill in different settings and situations. Role-play scenarios and classroom activities, also, are provided so students can practice each skill's behavioural steps. Some of the activities blend the teaching of social skills into academic lessons in maths/science, language arts, social science and physical education. Social skills include: expressing empathy, going to an assembly, accepting defeat or loss, using anger control strategies, responding to inappropriate talk/touch, completing homework, being prepared for class, accepting winning appropriately and resisting negative peer pressure. (bkcd, cdxp)