
In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning

Kategorier: Andra världsreligioner Filosofi och religion Östasiatiska religioner Religion och tro
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In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning

Kategorier: Andra världsreligioner Filosofi och religion Östasiatiska religioner Religion och tro
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The spiritual classic, the Devimahatmya, is a central text for worshippers of the Hindu Goddess Devi. Written about 16 centuries ago, it addresses the perennial questions of the nature of the universe, humankind, and divinity. This is the first translation of the Devimahatmya to combine sound scholarship, the language skills of a native English speaker, and an insider's perspective based on 35 years of spiritual practice within the Hindu tradition.