
Effective Study Strategies For Every Classroom : 29 Lesson Plans for Teaching, Note-Taking, Summarizing, Researching and Test taking Skills

Kategorier: Pedagogik Pedagogisk metodik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
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Effective Study Strategies For Every Classroom : 29 Lesson Plans for Teaching, Note-Taking, Summarizing, Researching and Test taking Skills

Kategorier: Pedagogik Pedagogisk metodik Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap
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In every classroom, there are students who need help learning how to learn. Some take sloppy and incomplete notes. Some struggle to distinguish important ideas from irrelevant details. Some improperly use research tools and reference books. Others suffer from too much stress and anxiety, especially at test time. Each of these problems results in poor preparation and failing performances. This book offers easy-to-follow lessons that can correct poor study habits and make learning easier for every student. Each study skill can be taught as a stand-alone activity or blended seamlessly into existing curricula. The lessons follow the same structured format and the authors offer talking points to help you introduce the skill, explain the objective and guide students through the activities. Suggestions on how to summarise the lesson and generalise the skill to other academic areas are provided. The enclosed CD has each lesson plan's overheads, worksheets, homework assignments, articles and other support materials in pdf format. (bkcd, cdxp)