Eat for Energy
Eat for Energy
Now in paperback, a deep dive into the underlying cellular cause of chronic fatigue, burnout, and brain fog, with a framework for restoring cognitive function, alertness, and an abundance of energy.
Chronic fatigue, burnout, brain fog—no matter what we call it, our constant feeling of being drained affects all that we hold dear. But the real cause of our fatigue doesn't lie in our preconceived notions of caffeine intake or adrenal fatigue. Instead, the core underlying cause lies in our cells, specifically in the cellular energy generators called our mitochondria.
Ari Whitten, M.S., functional health practitioner and founder of The Energy Blueprint, takes a deep dive into our cellular energy centers and the holistic workings of our body systems and provides the clear nutritional methodologies and specific foods, supplements, and compounds you can use to:
– Reclaim your youthful energy levels
– Get better sleep
– Improve your resilience to stress
– Reverse insulin resistance and stabilize your blood sugar levels
– Lose excess weight
– Improve your mood and brain performance
Get your body out of defense mode and into a state of optimal performance.