
Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs

Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Filosofi och religion Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Magi, alkemi och ockult tänkande Magi, trollformler och alkemi Mystik, magi och det ockulta Ockulta studier Religion och tro
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Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs

Kategorier: Alternativa trossystem Ande, kropp och själ Filosofi och religion Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Magi, alkemi och ockult tänkande Magi, trollformler och alkemi Mystik, magi och det ockulta Ockulta studier Religion och tro
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An invaluable reference on candle magic for beginners as well as experienced magic practitioners.

Jacki Smith has been crafting magic candles for more than twenty-five years. In Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs, she shares recipes, spells, and divinations anyone can use to increase love, prosperity, luck, and abundance.

Often, when doing magic to help solve a problem, Jacki writes, we don’t realize the source of the issue we’re facing. Jacki Smith uses the humor of her own life experiences to show readers how to ferret out the underlying issues and beliefs that can often sabotage magical spells.

Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs is an invaluable reference for beginners as well as experienced magic practitioners. The book features:

  • Basic tips for candle carving
  • Using Tarot, gemstones, and elementals in candle spells
  • A guide to hundreds of candles and how to use them in a myriad of ways
  • An herb and oil encyclopedia
  • Jacki’s seven steps approach to personal magic