The present Corpus Troporum volume is a text edition of the Latin
liturgical chants called prosulas that embellish the offertory chants of
the medieval Roman mass. Up to about 1100 the offertories were sung
as an extended chant comprising an antiphon and often several verses.
The verses in particular, but sometimes also the antiphons, have an
elaborate musical style characterized by long wordless melismas. The
melismas received new texts, prosulas, that were incorporated into the
offertories. These new texts can be found in manuscripts as early as the
tenth century, and the genre continued to flourish until the twelfth
century, when prosulas begin to disappear from the sources together
with the verses. Only a small number of offertory prosulas appear in
later manuscripts.
Sofar the majority of the offertory prosulas have not been edited in
a modern text edition. The present edition comprises 252 different
prosulas related to 84 offertory chants that were sung during the
ecclesiastic year. It is notable that a number of prosulas were sung
during the cycle of Lent, a time usually deprived of embellishments.
The edition is based on 74 manuscripts dating from the tenth to the
fourteenth century, the majority being from before 1100 and coming
from many different regions of Europe. In addition, the volume offers
an introduction and a commentary in French, as well as a table and an
overview of the sections in the manuscripts containing the prosulas.
The editor is a Latin philologist and a member of the Corpus
Troporum research team at Stockholm University.