Circular logistics in the nordics
Circular logistics in the nordics
Kategorier: Ekonomi, finansväsen, näringsliv och management Företagsekonomi och management Management och företagsledning Management: distribution och logistik Management: särskilda områden
Circular logistics in the Nordics discusses these questions using real cases from Nordic companies. Circular economy is one of the new strategies towards a sustainable society, and at the same time, there are already solutions for how to take better care of the resources. Circular supply chain management (CSCM) integrates the circular economy philosophy with planning and executing logistics activities. This book gives a broad introduction to CSCM by looking at prerequisites, processes, and challenges – in actual cases as well as in theory. The book gives examples of how packages can circulate, the inventory routines needed when remanufacturing products and much more.
Circular logistics in the Nordics is written for those who study supply chain management, and for everybody who is interested in logistics or in circular economy.