Arbitration in Sweden
Kategorier: Juridik Rättssystem: allmänt Rättssystem: civilprocessen, rättstvister och tvistlösning Särskilda rättsområden Skiljedom, medling och alternativa system för tvistlösning
Following an application process among many skilled Swedish arbitration lawyers, the executive committee of the Swedish Arbitration Association selected four lawyers from four different law firms, Fredrik Andersson of Mannheimer Swartling, Therese Isaksson of Advokatfirman Lindahl, Marcus Johansson of Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå and Ola Nilsson of White & Case to co-author the book under the editorship of Johnny Herre.
Introduction to the Swedish legal system
The arbitration agreement
The arbitral tribunal
The arbitral proceedings
The award
The role of Swedish courts in connection with arbitral proceedings