Advancing research on projects and temporary organizations
Advancing research on projects and temporary organizations
Kategorier: Ekonomi, finansväsen, näringsliv och management Företagsekonomi och management Management och företagsledning Projektledning
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There is a wide range of interesting advances in research on projects and temporary organizations. The selection presented in this book illustrates the current width of the research and themes either coming from organizational theory or inspiring organizational theory and related scientific endeavors.
“Drawing on some of the most interesting contributors to the field, this book should be read by anyone interested in seeing projects as a social accomplishment in which people, rather than systems, have the most pertinent role.” Stewart Clegg, Professor, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
“The contributions of this book provide an excellent overview of what is hot in the field. It is an interesting read for everyone who works in or manages projects or other kinds of temporary organization.” Jörg Sydow, Professor of Management, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
“This book deals with complexities that are to be found in contemporary literature on projects and temporary organizations. It is a must read for anyone, academic or practitioner alike, that is interested in learning about, and using, projects or other forms of temporary organizations. The authors bring to light the importance of understanding projects as social processes that cannot be understood in isolation.” Rodney Turner, Professor, Kingston Business School, London, United Kingdom
Om författarna
Editors: Rolf A. Lundin is Professor of Business Administration, Jönköping International Business School. Markus Hällgren is Professor in Management at Umeå School of Business and Economics.