Dreams of an orphanage : diary of a journey to help earthquake hit Nepal
Dreams of an orphanage : diary of a journey to help earthquake hit Nepal
Kategorier: Bistånd och räddningsaktioner Livsstil, hobby och fritid Reseskildringar Resor och platser Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Socialtjänst och social omsorg Socialtjänst, välfärd och kriminologi
Come with us on a journey to earthquake stricken Nepal and get to know a village where people are striving to get back to normal. Johan Magnusson travelled, as the Lööf Foundation's representative, to the village of Ratankot, partly to support the villagers and partly to ensure that the rebuilding of the orphanage, Home of Hope, could start as soon as possible.
This book of Johan's transcribed diary entries, follows his experiences with the people in the village. The reader is confronted with heartfelt encounters and difficult decisions together with very touching life stories, that give hope but also pose questions about how we live and how we treat each other in Sweden and in western society as a whole.
All profits from the sales of the book will go directly to Lööf Foundation's work in helping others.