
Seidr 5.0 – A Guide to Nordic Shamanism

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mystik, magi och det ockulta Shamanism, hednisk religion och druidism
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Seidr 5.0 – A Guide to Nordic Shamanism

Kategorier: Ande, kropp och själ Hälsa, relationer och personlig utveckling Mystik, magi och det ockulta Shamanism, hednisk religion och druidism
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Seidr 5.0 incorporates new perspectives on synchronicities and archetypes as well as impulses from quantum physics, alchemy and deep psychology in an attempt to develop Nordic shamanism in a creative direction. It is really about time to publish an English edition of Nordic shamanism and its creative possibilities in the 21st century. Shamanism is about finding and walking one’s own way. The aim of this book is to serve as a manual and a guide to the strange world of the Nordic shaman – a world that is possible to enter for anyone who is willing to let go of self-importance and start walking in humility on Mother Earth. This is the opinion of the Saami shaman Eirik Myrhaug after reading Seidr 5.0: ”Eriksson has a Nordic starting point for his shamanism, but he has also been much inspired by Saami shamanism. He also brings in perspectives from quantum physics into a shamanic world view and that makes the book very up to date. It can be used as an encyclopedia of shamanism. This book is recommended!”