No heroes, no monsters : what I learned being the most hated woman on the Internet
No heroes, no monsters : what I learned being the most hated woman on the Internet
Kategorier: Biografier och litteraturvetenskap Biografier, sanna berättelser, essäer etc. Personliga berättelser Samhälle och kultur: allmänt Samhälle och samhällsvetenskap Sexuella övergrepp och trakasserier Sociala och etiska frågor Våld i samhället
The book goes beyond the headlines - the black and white pictures of heroes or monsters - and emphasizes the need to acknowledge the shades of gray. In the book Ardin navigates through her personal life, the sexual assault charges, the media frenzy and the extensive hatred that followed from accusing a popular man, as well as through the unfair accusations of Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks.
Ardin's story is a call for justice for everyone abused, holding even important people accountable. It's a powerful compilation of the feminist lessons Ardin learned from living, for over a decade, in the shadow of the "hero" myth.