If you've been throwing away the pulp after juicing, you've been missing a valuable piece of the nutritional puzzle. Did you know that pulp has amazing health benefits? And that it can be used to add both flavour and texture to a wealth of your favourite dishes? Vicki Chelf - noted natural foods chef, cooking instructor and best-selling author - shows you how in her new book, PULP KITCHEN.
The book opens with an informative chapter on the many potentials of pulp, including its nutritional profile as a rich source of fibre, vitamins, minerals and beneficial antioxidants. In this chapter opener, Vicki, also, provides helpful preparation and storage guidelines, as well as a handy chart that lists various types of produce along with the amount of pulp and juice they yield. What follows next are dozens of easy-to-follow recipes that highlight the goodness of pulp in a wide variety of delectable dishes - breakfast porridge and pancakes, soups and salads, meatless burgers, loaves and pâtés, breads, biscuits, pies and much, much more. So if you are looking to make the most out of the pulp from juiced fruits and vegetables, look no further. Let PULP KITCHEN show you how this often overlooked ingredient can add texture, flavour and a nutritional punch to your favourite dishes.