Dag Hammarskjöld’s Backåkra : the magic of the place and the history of its objects
Dag Hammarskjöld’s Backåkra : the magic of the place and the history of its objects
Kategorier: Arkitektur Guider till museer och historiska platser Konst Livsstil, hobby och fritid Reseguider Resor och platser
On Dag Hammarskjölds tragic death in Africa on September, 1961, his farm was bequeathed to the Swedish Tourist Association(STF) and Swedish Academy. Furniture, artworks and personal belongings from his New York apartment were brought toBackåkra, where they remain to this day. The farm is now run as a museum dedicated to Dag Hammarskjölds life and accomplishments.
The book Dag Hammarskjölds Backåkra: The Magic of the Place and the History of its Objects spans over a hundred and fifty years, from the construction of the farm in the mid-nineteenth century to its present-day role as an international meeting place and nature experience. It offers a glimpse into a previously undocumented part of Dag Hammarskjölds life.